special july promo

Book a Consultation

Hello! This is Kim Ortiz from Ayala Land Premier. Let's talk about your future home and investment options. You can book any of the following services with me:
  • Project Presentations (Online and In-person)
  • Site Trips
  • Showflat Viewings
You can reach me via:
  • 0917-327-3550 (SMS / Whatsapp / Viber)
  • kimortiz.ayalaland@gmail.com
Set an Appointment


For more information on each project, please click on 'Condominiums' in the navigation bar, or message me so that I can send you our availability and sample payment schemes.

Arca South, Taguig
RFO and Pre-selling Available
Arca South, Taguig
Turnover: 2025-2026
C-5, Quezon City
Turnover: 2025

Residential Lots

For more information on each project, please click on 'Residential Lots' in the navigation bar, or message me so that I can send you our availability and sample payment schemes.

Morong, Bataan
Pre-selling available
Sta. Rosa, Laguna
Sold out, but open for waitlisting
Calamba, Laguna
RFO and Pre-selling available

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